Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's Pretty Safe to Be My Friend

In case you were worried...



Anonymous said...

...because killing and eating your friends is SO family stuff.

You'd best sleep with one eye open -- I'm 33% likely to turn my buds into a dragon roll.

(must be that sushi question)


SWE said...

I was hoping someone would notice the categorization...

My brother's at 54%, so we can all rest easier knowing that he's off in New Zealand just now!

Anonymous said...

I do think that the odds my change were one to consider one's family. For your generation, that means that you would have some older, tougher meat on slower, less fits family. Can I still safely visit in June?

SWE said...

Ah, but of COURSE you can, dear Aunt. The question is whether you will be able to return home... mwahahahahaha

Elise keeps asking when it will be June, so I think you're obligated to come regardless.

Anonymous said...

Bring Ketchup!

Anonymous said...

i just weighed in at 41%, despite admitting i had been vegetarian at some point. i think i'd rather be eaten than the other way around, actually. -niki

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