Monday, August 13, 2007

Wasting Time

The internet is a fabulous thing, it really is. But there are so many things one can do to waste vast quantities of time. For example, design your own Lego person. Or watch movies on YouTube. Or read endless numbers of blogs. Plus, there's the whole world of Wikipedia. I really don't have time for this stuff, but wow is it fun...

Elise and I are getting ready to visit the Schmiedeskamp grandparents in Montana later this week. We fly out bright and early on Wednesday morning, so that should be fun. Two airplanes and 3 hours in the car. I'm assuming that if we give Elise a little time to run around outside after all of that she's going to sleep like a brick.

Anyway, our job this afternoon is to pack. We are going to choose which suitcase to bring, and start figuring out clothing options. Should be fun! This morning, Elise made a present for Grandma Char and Grandpa Karl, so we'll be sure to pack that as well. We also have to find room for some astronomy stuff (mostly eyepieces and star charts). My plan is to stick to one bag-I hope that works out okay. :)

There's not much to report here, otherwise. Right when we get back, we will have fun houseguests and the weekend will be dedicated to seeing the sights and spending some quantity time at the San Francisco Jug Band Festival. The evening events Saturday and Sunday promise to be historic/fantastic! (Should you be in the area and desirous of attending.)

Okay, I've let Elise have a full hour asleep in her bed for a nap-a rare treat and I should not let it go longer. Watch this space for exciting pictures of our travels!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Tell my brother and his charming wife hello from me. After reading how much fun Geetha keeps having with you I am getting jealous of how much fun they will all have with you. We have no mountains, no ocean, no redwoods, and no 25 year old babysitter cousins, but we could offer you a good time here in the midst of the Mid-West.
Until we see you, enjoy the rest of the family folks.