Sunday, June 24, 2007

First Kid at Hester Park

Many months ago, we arrived at the library for our regular Friday story time to discover that the park right next to said library was closed. Closed!! After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, we learned that the old playground equipment was apparently very old and in need of an update, so they had decided to tear it all out and start over. Okay, we thought, how long can it take?

It took a loooooooong time. The library was closed this Friday morning (so no storytime) but we decided to go in the afternoon anyway. As we were parking, we noticed that the giant fence around the playground was being removed. Needless to say, we raced to choose our week's reading material and dashed outside to play. Nobody else was there yet. By the time we left, there were at least two, and maybe three families playing. This is one popular park. And the improvements are nice, in spite of how long it took to get them together.

Those of you who know us well will not be surprised to see that this is how Elise chose to spend most of her time:

1 comment:

cacophonyx said...

That is SO cool! I can just imagine how Elise enjoyed being the first to make her mark in the pristine sandpit :)

Yay for happy days such as these!
