Monday, March 10, 2008

Henry Cowell Redwoods

This was a fantastic weekend for us here at Steingruebl World Enterprises. Andy and I had a date night on Friday (which distracted from the horrible fact that the Sharks game wasn't on TV), we all went to see some big trees on Saturday, and Elise and Andy got some quality daddy/daughter time on Sunday. Absolutely fabulous.

In spite of the fact that I completely forgot the camera on our Saturday outing, I'm here to report that the Henry Cowell State Park is fantastic. We stuck to the little trail near the picnic area and visitor center which turned out to be just perfect for us. We wandered along the trail, checked out the amazing trees and generally enjoyed ourselves. I even found a banana slug sliming along! Andy discovered a puddle in a tree trunk that was full of some sort of larvae which we reported at the visitor center just in case they happened to be mosquitoes. Next time, in addition to remembering the camera we'll bring binoculars because the birds were fantastic to hear and might be good to see as well.

The best part of the whole thing for me was lunch. Before we left on our adventure, Andy and Elise snuck off to the grocery store for picnic fixins while I was in the shower. I have no idea why the thing that would be ho-hum at home is fantastic on a picnic, but it sure is!

As spring sets in, I hope we have a lot more great weekends like this.


Jaya said...

Is that Henry Cowell as in the composer?

SWE said...

Hmmm....this is a good question to which I have no good answer. Must research...